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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 160-180 di 200


  • Whiffen, D. H.

Infrared methods

principles and applications

  • Conn, G. K. T.

The Cern omega spectrometer

25 years of physics : CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 19 March 1997 : proceedings

Beam-foil spectroscopy

proceedings of the Conference on Beam-Foil spectroscopy, held at the University of Arizona, November 20-22, 1967...

  • Conference on Beam-foil spectroscopy Tucson 1967

Tabelle der Hauptlinien der Linienspektra aller Elemente

nach Wellenlänge geordnet

  • Kayser, Heinrich

Molecular vibrations

the theory of infrared and Raman vibrational spectra

  • Wilson, Edgar Bright 1908-1992

Standards in fluorescence spectrometry

ultraviolet spectrometry group