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Risultati 180-200 di 200

Spettroscopia molecolare

Convegno tenuto a Roma, 23-25 gennaio 1967

Beiträge zur chemischen Analyse durch Spectralbeobachtungen

Inaugyraldissertation ...

  • Simmler, Rudolph Theodor

Spectrum analysis

six lectures, deliveres in 1868, before the Society of apothecaries of London

  • Roscoe, Henry Enfield

Lo spettro solare infrarosso

  • Godoli, Giovanni <1927-2006>

La spettroscopia in chimica [+]

  • Whitfield, Richard Charles

Dalla Siberia alla scienza del laser

  • Letokhov, Vladilen Stepanovic

Treatise on light

in which are explained the causes of that which occurs in reflexion and in refraction, and particularly in the strange refractio n of Iceland crystal

  • Huygens, Christiaan, 1629-1695