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Risultati 1-20 di 297

Sulle macchie del disco solare

discorso di promozione a laurea letto il 26 giugno 1854

  • Mossotti, Ottaviano Fabrizio

Poster Papers [+]

presented at the Seventh European Meeting on Solar Physics : Catania, Italy, 11-15 May 1993

  • European meeting on solar physics 7. Catania 1993

Le soleil

  • Young, Charles August

Atti del convegno sulle macchie solari

Firenze, Osservatorio astrofisico di Arcetri, 9-12 settembre 1964

  • Convegno sulle macchie solari Firenze 1964


the atmospheres of the sun and stars

  • Aller, Lawrence Hugh

Le soleil [+]

  • Bruhat, Georges

Past and present variability of the solar-terrestrial system

measurement, data analysis and theoretical models : Proceedings of the International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi" : Course 133 : Varenna on Lake Como, Villa Monastero, 25 June - 5 July 19

Euclid's Phaenomena

a translation and study of a hellenistic treatise in spherical astronomy

From the sun

auroras, magnetic storms, solar flares, cosmic rays

Die sonne

  • Kiepenheuer, K. O.

Our sun

  • Menzel, Donald Howard

Risultati 1-20 di 297