Filtra i risultati

Cerca per titolo, autore, soggetto

Risultati ricerca

Risultati 60-80 di 297

Fire of life

the Smithsonian book of the Sun

Die Sonne

Entstehung, Mythologie, Astrophysik, Sonnenflecken, Gesundheit, Magnetfeld, Antimaterie, Zeitumkehr, Sonnenenergie, Klima

  • Kaiser, Peter 1924-

Solar activity

third European Solar Meeting : Oxford, April 13-15 1981

  • European Solar Meeting 3. Oxford 1981

Pleins feux sur la physique

Toulouse, 8-10 mars, 1978. Colloque International du CNRS, n. 282 : Contexte coronal des éruptions solaires : Toulouse, 9-10 mars, 1978

Near future plans for solar research

Oxford, April 10-11 1981 : a workshop

2. Convegno internazionale sull'energia solare

con il concorso organizzativo della Rassegna internazionale elettronica e nucleare : Roma, 20-25 febbraio 1961

  • Convegno internazionale sull'energia solare 2. Roma 1961


en innføring i moderne solfysikk

  • Jensen, Eberhart

Advances in solar physics

proceedings of the seventh European meeting on Solar physics held in Catania, Italy, 11-15 May 1993

  • European meeting on Solar physics 7. Catania 1993

3. Consultation on solar physics and hydrodynamics

Tatranská Lomnica, 13-16.10.1964

  • Consultation on solar physics and hydrodynamics 3. Vysoké Tatry 1964

High resolution in solar physics

proceedings of a specialized session of the Eighth IAU European Regional Astronomy Meeting, Toulouse, September 17-21, 1984

  • European regional astronomy meeting 8. Tolosa 1984

Solar activity

observations and predictions

A new Sun

the solar results from Skylab

  • Eddy, John A.

Solar physics

the proceedings of NATO advanced study institute on solar physics held at Lagonissi, Athens, Greece, September 1965

  • NATO advanced study institute on solar physics Atene 1965

The fine structure of the solar atmosphere

extended abstracts : colloquium held at the German Solar Observatory in Anacapri, June, 6.-8., 1966

Convegno di scienze fisiche, matematiche e naturali

14-19 settembre 1952 : tema: Problemi della fisica solare

Small scale motions on the sun

proceedings of a colloquium held on the occasion of the change of the name of the former Fraunhofer-Institut into Kiepenheuer-Institut für Sonnenphysik : Freiburg, 1-3 November, 1978

Proceedings of the 11. Regional consultation on Solar physics

held in Debrecen, Hungary, September 1983

  • Regional consultation on Solar physics 11. Decebren 1983

The dynamic sun

proceedings of the 6th European meeting on Solar physics held in Debrecen, May 21-24 1990