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Risultati 1-20 di 27

Le soja et son lait végétal

applications agricoles et industrielles

  • Rouest, L.

Soia, proteine vegetali e innovazione

realtà odierna e opportunità per l'industria alimentare e l'agricoltura italiana : atti del convegno : Parma, 11/10/83


  • Diaconescu, Ovidiu


improvement, production and uses

La soia

  • Venturi, Gianpietro

Soybean seed quality and stand establishment

proceedings of a Conference for scientists of Asia, january 25-31, 1981, Colombo, Sri Lanka

  • Conference for scientist of Asia Colombo, Sri Lanka 1981

Irrigated soybean production in arid and semi-arid regions

proceedings of a conference held in Cairo, Egypt, 31 august-6 september 1979

Soybean movements in the United States

interregional flow patterns and transportation requirements in 1977

  • Leath, Mack N.


improvement, production, and uses

  • Caldwell, B. E.


gold from the soil

  • Dies, Edward Jerome

La soia

come si coltiva : manuale pratico

  • Toniolo, Lucio

La soia

  • Tosatto, Simona

The useful soybean

a plus factor in modern living

  • Lager, Mildred


  • Belloni, Enrica

La soia

un vegetale al servizio dell'uomo

Risultati 1-20 di 27