Filtra i risultati

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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 500-520 di 832

Operations research

ein Kurzlehr- und Ubungsbuch

  • Dinkelbach, Werner

Proceedings of the RIMS conference

Chaotic dynamical systems : 7-10 july 1992, Kyoto, Japan


  • Bai-Lin, Hao

Discrete event systems

sensitivity analysis and stochastic optimization by the score function method

  • Rubinstein, Reuven Y.

Synchronization and linearity

an algebra for discrete event systems

Chaotic oscillators

theory and applications

  • Kapitaniak, Tomasz

Applied systems analysis

engineering planning and technology management

  • De Neufville, Richard


the emerging science of spontaneous order

  • Strogatz, Steven Henry

Simulation and optimization

proceedings of the International workshop on computationally intensive methods in simulation and optimization held at the International institute for applied systems analysis (IIASA), Laxenburg, Austria, August 23-25, 1990

Come preparare la propria azienda alla digital revolution

opportunità, obblighi e rischi dell'intelligenza artificiale

  • Studio legale DLA Piper

Tra ordine e caos

auto-organizzazione e imprevedibilità nei sistemi complessi

  • Serra, Roberto<1952- >