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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 400-420 di 832

Symmetry in chaos [+]

a search for pattern in mathematics, art and nature

  • Field, Michael

Multiple parameter stability theory and its applications

bifurcations, catastrophes, instabilities, ...

  • Huseyin, Koncay

Systems analysis and design

a structured approach

  • Davis, William S. 1943-

Advanced synergetics [+]

instability hierarchies of self-organizing systems and devices

  • Haken, Hermann


from simple models to complex systems

  • Cencini, Massimo

Complex systems

Ecole d'ete de physique des Houches, session 83., 3-28 july 2006 : Ecole thematique du CNRS

  • Ecole d'ete de physique des Houches 85. Les Houches 2006

Reti organizzative

teoria, tecnica e applicazioni

  • Lomi, Alessandro

Object-oriented programming

an evolutionary approach

  • Cox, Brad J.

General systems theory [+]

mathematical foundations

  • Mesarovic, Mihajlo D.

La ricerca operativa al servizio della societa

giornate di lavoro, atti : AIRO '96 : Perugia, 16-20 settembre, 1996

  • Associazione italiana di ricerca operativa

La systémique

  • Durand, Daniel