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Risultati 260-280 di 2422

Moderno, postmoderno quasi antico

atti del convegno (Bari 26-28-ottobre 2006)

Trattato di teoria sociale


  • Runciman, W.G.

Social science

an introduction to the study of society

  • Hunt, Elgin F.

Standardized survey interviewing

minimizing interviewer-related error/ Floyd J. Flower, Jr., Thomas W. Mangione

  • Fowler, Floyd J.

Social science concepts

a systematic analysis

Economics and sociology

redefining their boundaries : conversations with economists and sociologists

  • Swedberg, Richard

Engaging the past

the uses of history across the social sciences

Humains, non-humains

comment repeupler les sciences sociales

Choice and consequence

  • Schelling, Thomas Crombie

Parole chiave

per un nuovo lessico delle scienze sociali

  • Melucci, Alberto