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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 240-260 di 2422

The state of the social sciences

papers presented at the 25th Anniversary of the Social Science Research Building. The University of Chicago,november 10 - 12 1955

  • White, Leonard D.

Integrating research

a guide for literature reviews

  • Cooper, Harris M.

Focus groups

theory and practice

  • Stewart, David W.

Social research

principles and procedures

Autocritica della sociologia contemporanea

Weber, Mills, Habermas

  • Cassano, Franco


statistical package for the social sciences

The grounded type of sociological theory

some methodological reflections

  • Hanzel, Igor

From Alexander to Constantine

passages and documents illustrating the history of social and political ideas, 336 B.C.-A.D. 337

Dinamycs of cohort and generations research

proceedings of a Symposium held on 12, 13 and 14 December 1991 at the University of Utrecht, The Netherlands

Statu nascenti

studi sui processi collettivi

  • Alberoni, Francesco

Discovering statistics using IBM SPSS statistics

and sex and drugs and rock 'n' roll

  • Field, Andy

Scientisme et sciences sociales

essai sur le mauvais usage de la raison

  • Hayek, Friedrich A. von

University research centres in the social sciences and humanities

proceedings of the National Conference on University Research Centres in the Social Sciences and Humanities, Ottawa, March 1987 : les actes de la Conférence nationale sur les centres de recherche universitaires en sciences humaines, tenue à Ottawa en mars 1987

How to do your case study

a guide for students and researchers

  • Thomas, Gary