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Risultati 160-180 di 2708

Ulisse Aldrovandi [+]

scienza e natura nel secondo Cinquecento

  • Olmi, Giuseppe

Johannes Kentmann, 1518-1574

ein sächsischer Arzt und Naturforscher

  • Helm, Johannes

Science in the Middle Ages

V-XIII centuries

  • Crombie, Alistair Cameron

La science et les facteurs de l'inégalité

leçons du passé et espoirs de l'avenir

The evolution of science

readings from the history of mankind

Science and speculation

studies in hellenistic theory and practice

A scientific autobiography of Joseph Priestley (1733-1804)

selected scientific correspondence

  • Priestley, Joseph

Early Greek science

Thales to Aristotle

  • Lloyd, Geoffrey E.R.