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Risultati 60-80 di 2708

Actes du Symposium international d'histoire des sciences

Florence-Vinci : octobre 1960

  • Symposium international d'histoire des sciences Firenze-Vinci 1960

Comprendre et maîtriser la nature au Moyen Age

mélanges d'histoire des sciences offerts à Guy Beaujouan

"Almost a man of genius"

Clémence Royer, feminism, and nineteenth-century science

  • Harvey, Joy Dorothy

From magic to science

essays on the scientific twilight

  • Singer, Charles

Science and Russian culture in age of revolutions

V.I. Vernadsky and his scientific school, 1863-1945

  • Bailes, Kendall

The mathematics of Plato's Academy [+]

a new reconstruction

  • Fowler, D.H.

The tradition of science

landmarks of Western science in the collections of the Library of Congress

  • Bruno, Leonard C.

Histoire des sciences exactes et naturelles dans l'antiquité Gréco-Romaine [+]

exposé sommaire des écoles et des principes

  • Reymond, Arnold

Den helige Niels Stensen

  • Pålsson, Erik Kennet

World who's who in science

a biographical dictionary of notable scientists from antiquity to the present

Origini della scienza

tre saggi

  • Vacca, Giovanni