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Risultati 120-140 di 290

Canada east at the international exhibition

Catalogue of products from Canada east, medals and honorable mention awarded to Canada and the decalration of prizes to the colonial exhibitors to which is added a succint account of the eastern townships of lower Canada

  • Miles, Henry H.

Le esposizioni annue internazionali di Londra

Lettera al direttore della Rivista dii agricoltura, industria e commercio

  • Mariotti, Filippo

Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of all Nations. London. 1851

Official descriptive and illustred Catalogue

  • Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of all Nations, London, 1851

Esposizione italiana di Londra, 1888


  • International exhibition, Londra, 1888

Second report of the commissioners for the Exhibition of 1851

to the right hon. Spencer Horatio Walpole

  • Great exhibition of the works of industry of all nations, Londra, 1851

Reports by the juries on the subjects in the thirty classes into which the exhibition was divided [+]

  • Great Exhibition of the works of Industry of all Nations, London, 1851

L'Italia all'esposizione argentina del 1910

notizie e illustrazioni fisiche, artistiche, letterarie, economiche e industriali

Quinta esposizione d'industria e di belle arti al castello di Valentino, 1850

giudizio della Camera d'agricoltura e di commercio di Torino e notizie sulla patria industria

  • Esposizione d'industria e di belle arti, Torino, 1850 ; 5

Catalogue of the Victorian exhibition 1861 [+]

with prefatory essays indicating the progress, resources, and physical characteristics of the colony

  • Victorian exhibition, Melbourne, 1861

Exposicion internacional de 1862 en Londres

departamento Espanol : catalogo oficial

  • International exhibition, London, 1862

Relazioni dei commissarii speciali

istruzione,igiene,carta, stampa e rilegatura di libri

  • International exhibition, Londra, 1862

Travaux du Comité départemental du Bas-Rhin

  • Exposition Universelle de l'industrie et des beaux-arts, Paris, 1855

Catalogo ufficiale dell'esposizione dell'impero tedesco

  • Esposizione internazionale di Milano, Milano, 1906