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Risultati 40-60 di 290

Catalogue of the works exhibited in the British Section of the Exhibition in French and English

together with exhibitors' prospectuses, prices current, &c.

  • Exposition Universelle de l'industrie et des beaux-arts, Paris, 1855

Catalogue of the works exhibited in the British Section of the Exhibition

with notices of the commercial progress of the United Kingdom, under the respective classes, in French and English; together with exhibitors' prospectus, prices current, &c.

  • Exposition Universelle de l'industrie et des beaux-arts, Paris, 1855

Esposizione italiana tenuta in Firenze nel 1861 [+]

  • Esposizione italiana delle arti e delle industrie. [Firenze ; 1861]

Esposizione internazionale del 1862 tenuta in Londra ; Esposizione italiana del 1862 tenuta in Londra

relazione dei commissari speciali : relazione dei commissari speciali

  • International exhibition. London, 1862

Exposition universelle a Londres au 1862, Empire francaise

notices sur les modèles, cartes ed dessins relatifs aux travaux pubblics...

  • International exhibition. London, 1862


catalogue spécial de notices historiques et statistiques sur les produits agricolees et industriels de l'Algérie

  • International exhibition. London, 1862

Notices sur les modèles, cartes et dessins relatifs aux travaux publics

Empire francais

  • International exhibition. London, 1862

International exhibition, 1862 [+]

Kingdom of Italy : official descriptive catalogue

  • International exhibition, London, 1862

Esposizione internazionale del 1862. Regno d'Italia. Catalogo descrittivo

1 - Mineralogia e geologia (prodotti litoidei)

  • International exhibition. London, 1862

Patrimonio industriale

conservare ed esporre

Les arts et métiers en Révolution

  • Musée national des techniques [Paris]