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Risultati 20-40 di 1095

Icosaméron ou Histoire d'Edouard et d'Elisabeth...

  • Casanova di Siengalt, Giacomo-Girolamo (1725-1798)

Story structure architect

a writer's guide to building dramatic situations & compelling characters

  • Schmidt, Victoria

The Subject in Question

The Languages of Theory and the Strategiesof Fiction

  • Carroll, David

Semántica de la narración

la ficción realista

  • Albaladejo Mayordomo, Tomás

Before reading

nNarrative conventions and the politics of interpretation

  • Rabinowitz, Peter J. 1944-

Il dettaglio e l'infinito

Roth, Yehoshua e Salter

  • Alvino, Luca

The rhetoric of fictionality

narrative theory and the idea of fiction

  • Walsh, , Richard

Vom Erzählen erzählen

Münchner Poetikvorlesungen

  • Loetscher, Hugo

La semiotica letteraria italiana

interviste con D'A. S. Avalle ... [et al.]

The secular scripture

a study of the structure of romance

  • Frye, Northrop 1912-1991

The technique of modern fiction

essays in practical criticism

  • Raban, Jonathan 1942-