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Risultati 160-180 di 1095

Le Roman

  • Raimond, Michel

Prêcher d'exemples

recits de prédicateurs du Moyen Age

Elements of narrativics

grammar in narrative, narrative in grammar

  • Genot, Gérard

Nel territorio del diavolo

sul mistero di scrivere

  • OʼConnor, Flannery

Reading for the plot [+]

design and intention in narrative

  • Brooks, Peter

Drommetenrot und Azurblau

Studien zur Affinitat von Erzahltechnik und Phantastik in Romanen von Leo Perutz und Alexander Lernet-Holenia

  • Luth, Reinhard

On writing the short story

  • Burnett, Hallie Southgate


the theory and practice of self-conscious fiction

  • Waugh, Patricia

Narrative fiction [+]

contemporary poetics

  • Rimmon-Kenan, Shlomith

Homofonia i monolog

retoryka prozy monologowej

  • Chamot, Boleslaw

Istoriceskaja poetika novelly

  • Meletinskij, Eleazar Moiseevič

Il racconto allo specchio [+]

'mise en abyme' e tradizione narrativa