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Risultati 40-60 di 171

The foreign policy of the European Union [+]

assessing Europe's role in the world

Europeʼs last frontier?

Belarus, Moldova, and Ukraine between Russia and the European Union

The geopolitics of Europes' identity

centers, boundaries and margins

External relations of the European Union

legal and constitutional foundations

  • Eeckhout, Piet

The national interest in question

foreign policy in multicultural societies

  • Hill, Christopher 1948-

La sicurezza europea

modelli di situazioni internazionali in Europa negli anni '70

  • Silvestri, Stefano omonimi non identificati

The making of EU foreign policy

the case of Eastern Europe

  • Smith, Karen Elizabeth

Europe and the superpowers

essays on European international politics

Oltre Maastricht

il futuro dell'Unione europea e i nuovi paesi dell'Est

  • Marasà, Bruno

Declino e prima crisi dell'Europa di Versailles

studio sulla diplomazia italiana ed europea, 1931-1933

  • D'Amoja, Fulvio

Europe as a global partner

the external relations of the European community

  • Fielding, Leslie

The external relations of the European Communities

a manual of law and practice

  • MacLeod, Ian


ouvrir l'Europe au monde