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Risultati 20-40 di 171

Relazioni storiche e culturali fra l'Italia e la Bulgaria

studi presentati al Convegno Italo-Bulgaro in memoria di Enrico Damiani (Napoli-Positano, 29 Maggio-3 Giugno 1979)

Un diplomate américain sous la Terreur

les années européennes de Gouverneur Morris, 1789-1798

  • Fiechter, Jean-Jacques

Security architecture for Europe

based on a U.S.-German workshop co-sponsored by the Institute for national strategic studies and the Federal college for security policy studies

Explaining euro-paralysis

why Europe is unable to act in international politics

  • Zielonka, Jan

Securing Europe

  • Ullman, Richard H.

The foundations of peace in Europe

political and military aspects

  • Proektor, Daniil

The illusion of peace

international relations in Europe, 1918-1933

  • Marks, Sally

Da Vienna a Monaco (1814-1938) [+]

ordine europeo e diritto internazionale

  • Mannoni, Stefano

Il servizio europeo per l'azione esterna

aspetti giuridici e prospettive di sviluppo

  • Paladini, Luca

Akteure der Aussenbeziehungen [+]

Netzwerke und Interkulturalität im historischen Wandel

The external relations of the European Union

historical and contemporary perspectives

Sometimes speaking with a single voice

the European community as an International actor, 1969-1979

  • Ferrari, Lorenzo 1986-

Guerres et paix en Europe centrale aux époques moderne et contemporaine

mélanges d'histoire des relations internationales offertsà Jean Bérenger

Europe and empire

on the political forms of globalization

  • Cacciari, Massimo