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Risultati 80-100 di 332

Armi e speranza

  • Dyson, Freeman J.

Storia della guerra fredda

da Yalta al disarmo

  • Morray, Joseph P.

Il congelamento

chi è a favore e chi è contro

European security and non-offensive defence

materials of the International Symposium of the World federation of scientific workers, Varna, Bulgaria, 18th-20th October 1987

  • World federation of scientific workers

Foundation for the future

the ABM treaty and national security

  • Bunn, Matthew

Defended to death

a study of the nuclear arms race : from the Cambridge University Disarmament Seminar

La policy science nel controllo degli armamenti

una rassegna critica delle applicazioni matematiche allo studio dei conflitti

La difesa del territorio

tavola rotonda promossa dall'ISTRID

Exporting conflict

international transfers of conventional arms

We can avert a nuclear war

edited by William Epstein and Lucy Webster

Arms and technology transfers

security and economic considerations among importing and exporting states