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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 40-60 di 332

Strategic missile defense

necessities, prospects, and danger in the near term

  • Center for international security and arms control


monitoring disarmament

Conference of research institutes in the Middle East

Proceedings of the Cairo Conference, 18-20 April 1993

  • United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research

The challenge of an open world

essays dedicated to Niels Bohr

La guerra giusta

fine di un'ideologia?

  • Staico, Ubaldo

50th Pugwash symposium on disengagement in Europe

towards arms reductions and weapon-free zones : Prague, Czechoslovakia, 14-17 April 1988

  • Pugwash symposium 50 Prague 14-17 April 1988

Il manifesto di Potsdam 2005

necessità e urgenza di un nuovo modo di pensare : 4 marzo 2008, Centro Balducci di Zugliano

  • Dürr, Hans-Peter

Inform/azione antimilitarista

industria bellica e militarizzazione : materiali e proposte di lotta


emerging new thinking : Soviet and Western scholars issue a challenge to build a world beyond war

Reversing the arms race

how to achieve and verify deep reductions in the nuclear arsenals

Affari & guerra

il traffico internazionale degli armamenti

  • Thayer, George


the Soviet stance : its past, present and future

  • Kokeyev, Mikhail