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Risultati 60-80 di 4341


una política del síntoma

  • García, Germán Leopoldo

Love's body

  • Brown, Norman O.

Lacan and narration

the psychoanalytic difference in narrative theory

Freud and the Bolsheviks

psychoanalysis in Imperial Russia and the Soviet Union

  • Miller, Martin A.

Il mito di una donna

  • Andreas-Salomé, Lou

Die Sprache und das Unbewusste

Jaques Lacans Grundlegung der Psychoanalyse

  • Lang, Hermann

La pratica

  • Morselli, Enrico 1852-1929

Di palo in frasca

esperienze transizionali : dai fatti quotidiani alla relazione analitica

  • Napolitani, Diego

Psychoanalysis and the postmodern impulse

knowing and being since Freud's psychology

  • Barratt, Barnaby B.