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Risultati 200-220 di 4341

On Freud's couch

seven new interpretations of Freud's case histories

Psychological reflections

an anthology of the writings of C. G. Jung /selected and edited by Jolande Jacobi in collaboration with R.F.C. Hull

  • Jung, Carl Gustav


du mythe au complexe : exposé des théories psychanalytiques

  • Mullahy, Patrick

Repression and dissociation

implications for personality theory, psychopathology, and health

  • Singer, Jerome L.

Éthique et psychanalyse

  • Erikson, Erik Homburger

Psicoanalisi e verita

le prospettive della psicoanalisi

  • Loch, Wolfgang

A partire da Jung

i testi e gli analisti : [la psicologia analitica in Italia, 1943-1998]

  • Pieri, Paolo Francesco

Psychanalyse des peuples et des civilisations

tragédie du passé, angoisse du présent, espoir d'avenir

  • Dingemans, Guy

The good society and the inner world

psychoanalysis, politics and culture

  • Rustin, Michael

Psychoanalysis and the sciences

epistemology, history

  • Haynal, André

Speculations after Freud

psychoanalysis, philosophy and culture

Critique des fondements de la psychologie

la psychologie et la psychanalyse

  • Politzer, Georges

Le narcissisme

essais de psychanalyse

  • Grunberger, Béla