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Risultati 300-320 di 1284

The Hesiodic catalogue of women

its nature, structure, and origins

  • West, Martin Litchfield

The winged word

a study in the technique of ancient Greek oral composition as seen principally through Hesiod's Works and days

  • Peabody, Berkley

Parafrasi del Vangeli di San Giovanni

canto sesto

  • Nonnus Panopolitanus

L'aedo e i tiranni

ricerche sull'Inno omerico a Apollo

  • Aloni, Antonio

Nuova antologia della lirica greca

testi colla versione latina

  • Lavagnini, Bruno


sept exposés et discussions, Vandeoeuvres-genève, 26 août-3 septembre 1963

  • Pouilloux, Jean

Metrics and rhytmics

history of poetic forms in ancient Greece

  • Gentili, Bruno

Hésiode et son influence

six exposés et discussions, Vandoeuvres-Genève, 5-10 septembre 1960

  • Fritz, Kurt von

Poetics before Plato

interpretation and authority in early Greek theories of poetry

  • Ledbetter, Grace M.