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Risultati 260-280 di 1284

Gli strumenti del poeta

elementi di metrica greca

  • Martinelli, Maria Chiara

Lucillio, Epigrammi

introduzione, testo critico, traduzione e commento

  • Lucillius

The Hymns

  • Callimachus

Des initiatives

  • Maximus astrologo

Pamprepii Panopolitani carmina

(P. Gr. Vindob. 29788 A-C)

  • Pamprepios

Rhythm and metre

towards a systematic description of Greek stichic verse

  • Raalte, Marlein van


Aufsätze zur griechischen Poesie

  • Kannicht, Richard

Ricerche su Hesiod. Op. vv. 765-828

tesi di laurea

  • Tedeschi, Sergio 1957-

Metrica classica e linguistica

atti del colloquio : Urbino, 3-6 ottobre 1988

Medieval Greek texts

being a collection of the earliest composition in vulgar greek, prior to the year 1500 : containing seven poems, three of wich appear here for the first time

Die "Pandorasage" bei Hesiod

Textkritische und motivgeschichtliche Untersuchungen

  • Lendle, Otto

Die Musen, Nereiden und Okeaninen in Hesiods Theogonie

mit einem Nachtrag zu Natura varie ludens

  • Deichgräber, Karl

The world of Hesiod

a study of the Greek middle ages c. 900-700 B.C.

  • Burn, Andrew Robert

Los oráculos y Hesíodo

poesía oral mántica y gnómica griegas

  • Fernández Delgado, José Antonio

Ta cheirographa tou Hesiodou

  • Merentites, Konstantinos Joannes

Scholia in Theocritum

Scholia et paraphrases in Nicandrum et Oppianum

  • Theocritus