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Risultati 160-180 di 849

Asmosia 5

Interdisciplinary studies on ancient stone : proceedings of the fifth international conference of the Association for the study of marble and other stones in antiquity, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 1998

  • Association for the study of marble and other stones in antiquity

Les minéraux et les roches

étude pratiques de cristallographie pétrographie et minéralogie

  • Buttgenbach, H.

Les mineraux des roches

1. application des méthodes minéralogiques et chimiques a leur étude microscopique : 2. données physique s et optiques

  • Michel-Levy, Auguste

Mineralogia e litologia

per le scuole medie superiori

  • Neviani, Antonio

Evaporite deposits

illustration and interpretation of some environmental sequences

Rock minerals

their chemical and physical characters and their determination in thin sections

  • Iddings, Joseph Paxson

Leçons de pétrographie

  • Lapparent, Jacques de

Minerals in rock sections

the practical methods of identifying minerals in rock sections with the microscope : especially arranged for students in technical and scientific schools

  • Luquer, Lea MacIlvaine

Bibliographie des travaux récents de sédimentologie

symposium: sedimentology and the oil industry : 5. World petroleum congress, New York, 1959

  • World petroleum congress 5. New York 1959