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Risultati 60-80 di 849

Igneous rocks

  • Barker, Daniel S.

Terrigenous clastic depositional systems

applications to fossil fuel and groundwater resources

  • Galloway, W.E.

The scientific study of flint and chert

proceedings of the 4. International flint symposium held at Brighton polytechnic 10-15 April 1983


  • Raymond, Loren A.

Classification and nomenclature of igneous rocks

(final report of an inquiry)

  • Streckeisen, Albert L.

Origin of granite batholiths

geochemical evidence : based on a meeting of the Geochemistry group of the Mineralogical society

Tableaux de pétrographie

tableaux de détermination et de classification, données techniques diverses, diagrammes ...

  • Denaeyer, Marcel E.