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Risultati 1-20 di 297

Tecnologie biomediche

TB : rivista bimestrale

Journal of applied biomaterials

an official journal of the society for biomaterials

Health Technology Assessment

governance tecnologica per la sanità

Biomimetic materials and design

biointerfacial strategies, tissue engineering, and targeted drug delivery

Proceedings of the XIV international conference on medical and biological engineering and VII international conference on medical physics, Espoo, Finland, August 11-16, 1985

Espoo Finland, August 11-16, 1985

  • International conference on medical and biological engineering 14. Helsinki, Finlandia 1985

Biomedical signal processing [+]

1: time and frequency domains analysis

  • Cohen, Arnon

Bioingegneria della riabilitazione

metodi e tecniche per la valutazione funzionale e l'intervento in riabilitazione motoria

Surface characterization of biomaterials

proceedings of the Symposium on surface snalysis of biomaterials, Ann Arbor, Michigan, June 21-24, 1987

  • Symposium on surface analysis of biomaterials Ann Arbor (Michigan) 1987

Tecnologie biomediche e sanitarie

sviluppo, valutazione e gestione

Systems physiology

  • Talbot, Samuel Armstrong 1903-1967

Technique instrumentale concernant les sciences médicales

revue des méthodes et instruments usités en chirurgie, micrographie, physiologie, hygiène, etc.

  • Mergier, Guillaume-Emile

Signal processing for neuroscientists

introduction to the analysis of physiological signals

  • Drongelen, Wim van

Risultati 1-20 di 297