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Risultati 140-160 di 297

Bionics by examples

250 scenarios from classical to modern times

  • Nachtigall, Werner

3rd european conference on engineering and medicine

Palazzo dei congressi, Florence, Italy, April 30th-May 3rd, 1995

  • European conference on engineering and medicine 3. Florence, Italy 1995

Understanding the nervous system

an engineering perspective

  • Deutsch, Sid

Progress in bioengineering

proceedings of an international seminar held on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Strathclyde bioengineering unit, Glasgow in September 1988

  • Strathclyde bioengineering unit

Artificial intelligence in medicine

10th conference on artificial intelligence in medicine, AIME 2005, Aberdeen, UK, July 23-27, 2005 : proceedings

  • Conference on artificial intelligence in medicine 10. Aberdeen, Regno Unito 2005

BioMed@POLIMI: 20 years and beyond

proceedings of the 1. Workshop on the life sciences at Politecnico di Milano : Milano, November 30, 2010

  • Workshop on The life sciences at Politecnico di Milano 1. 2010

Cartella clinica

compilazione, gestione, archiviazione, aspetti giuridici e medico-legali

  • Gattai, Aldo