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Risultati 120-140 di 535

La statua di Fidia

analisi di una teoria matematica : il calcolo delle flussioni

  • Panza, Marco

Berechenbare Vernunft

Kalkül und Rationalismus im 17. Jahrhundert

  • Krämer, Sybille

Philosophy of mathematics [+]

structure and ontology

  • Shapiro, Stewart

Mathematical intuition

phenomenology and mathematical knowledge

  • Tieszen, Richard L.

Methode axiomatique et formalisme

essai sur le probleme du fondement des mathematiques

  • Cavailles, Jean

Mathematics without numbers

towards a modal-structural interpretation

  • Hellman, Geoffrey

What is a number?

mathematical concepts and their origins

  • Tubbs, Robert

Freges theorem

  • Heck, Richard G.

Discrete thoughts [+]

essays on mathematics, science, and philosophy

  • Kac, Mark

Truth through proof

a formalist foundation for mathematics

  • Weir, Alan

The adventures of reason

interplay between philosophy of mathematics and mathematical logic, 1900-1940

  • Mancosu, Paolo