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Risultati 80-100 di 535

Über den platonischen Arithmos eidetikos

Kritik einer geläufigen Interpretationsvoraussetzung

  • Meyer, Rainer

The foundations of mathematics

a study in the philosophy of science

  • Beth, Evert W.

La matematizzazione dell'universo

momenti della cultura matematica tra '500 e '600

  • Conti, Lino

La forza de le linee

prospettiva e stereometria in Piero della Francesca

  • Sorci, Alessandra

Pi in the sky

counting, thinking and being

  • Barrow, John D.

Number, the language of science

a critical survey written for the cultured non-mathematician

  • Dantzig, Tobias

Mathesis universalis

Abhandlungen zur Philosophie als strenger Wissenschaft

  • Scholz, Heinrich

Philosophie de l'arithmétique

recherches psychologiques et logiques

  • Husserl, Edmund


philosophy of mathematics

  • Dummett, Michael