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Risultati 140-160 di 800

La Armada española

  • Asamblea de Capitanes de Yate

The First Frigates

nine-pounder and twelve-pounder frigates 1748-1815

  • Gardiner, Robert <1949- >

Thaon di Revel [+]

il grande ammiraglio

  • Cervone, Pier Paolo

Battleships in transition

the creation of the steam battlefleet, 1815-1860

  • Lambert, Andrew D.

Les navires de combat

à travers les âges

  • Macintyre, Donald G. F. W.

Mahan e Callwell [+]

  • Bonamico, Domenico

The black battlefleet

  • Ballard, George Alexander

The dreadnoughts

  • Howarth, David Armine

World warships in review


  • Leather, John

The great naval race

the Anglo-German naval rivalry, 1900-1914

  • Padfield, Peter