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Risultati 120-140 di 800

The true glory

the story of the Royal Navy over a thousand years

  • Tute, Warren

Great ships

the battlefleet of king Charles 2.

  • Fox, Frank

Modern history of warships

comprising a discussion of present standpoint and recent war experiences : for the use of students of naval construction, naval constructors, naval officers, and others interested in naval matters

  • Hovgaard, William


the illustrated history

  • Humble, Richard

L'Armata Navale

divisa in doi libri

  • Pantera, Pantero

Sommergibili italiani

cento anni di vita tra storia e leggenda

  • Flamigni, Antonio

Napoli, il mare, le Americhe

mostra documentaria allestita in occasione dell'8. Settimana per i Beni Culturali e Ambientali, 6-13 dicembre 1992

  • Archivio di Stato di Napoli

Marina d'Italia [+]

  • Banfi Malaguzzi, Daria

Steam, steel and torpedoes

the warship in the 19th century

  • Lyon, David

La marine de Louis 16.

de Choiseul à Sartine

  • Villiers, Patrick

The submarine Alliance

  • Lambert, John <1937- >