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Risultati 240-260 di 305

Vida y muerte de un campo semantico

un estudio de la evolucion semantica de los verbos latinos stare, sedere e iacere del latin al romance del s. 13.

  • Stengaard, Birte

Word order in categorial grammar

proceedings of the workshop of Clermont-Ferrand on behalf of DYANA project, May 25-27 1990

Theory and practice of Romance etymology

studies in language, culture and history

  • Malkiel, Yakov

Romance linguistics

theory and acquisition : selected papers from the 32. Linguistic Symposium on Romance Language (LSRL) : Toronto, April 2002

Etymologie romane

objets, méthodes et perspectives

Romance languages and linguistic theory 14

selected papers from the 46. Linguistic Symposium on Romance languages (LSRL), Stony Brook, NY

  • Linguistic symposium on Romance languages 46. Stony Brook (NY) 2016

Romance languages and linguistic theory 13

selected papers from ‘Going Romance’ 29, Nijmegen

  • Going Romance 29. Nimega 2015

Romanische Fachsprachen

Eine Einführung mit Perspektiven aus der Übersetzungswissenschaft

  • Reinart, Sylvia

Zur Lexikographie der romanischen Sprachen

Romanistisches Kolloquium 28.

  • Romanistisches Kolloquium 28. Giessen 2013

Fonologia romanza

  • Guarnerio, Pier Enea

Il caos e l'ordine [+]

le lingue romanze nella storia della cultura europea

  • Tomasin, Lorenzo