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Risultati 220-240 di 305

Romanistische Korpuslinguistik

Korpora und gesprochene Sprache

Italic and Romance

linguistic studies in honor of Ernst Pulgram

Current issues in Romance languages

selected papers from the 29. linguistic symposium on Romance languages (LSRL), Ann Arbor, 8-11 April 1999

  • Linguistic symposium on Romance languages 29. Ann Arbor 1999

Comparative historical dialectology

Italo-Romance clues to Ibero-Romance sound change

  • Cravens, Thomas D.

Romance languages and linguistic theory 2000

selected papers from Going Romance 2000, Utrecht, 30 November-2 December

The development of Romance clitic pronouns

from Latin to old Romance

  • Wanner, Dieter

Romanskoe jazykoznanie

semantika i perevod

Die Deminutivbildungen im Neuenglischen

unter besonderer Berucksichtigung der Dialekte

  • Rotzoll, Eva

Analyticity and syntheticity

a diachronic perspective with special reference to Romance languages

  • Schwegler, Armin

Prinzipien der etymologischen Forschung

romanistische Einblicke

  • Meier, Harri