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Risultati 140-160 di 616

Ermeneutica e oralità

studi di lingua poetica greca

  • Bottin, Luigi

Greek and Latin Expressions of Meaning

the classical origins of a modern metaphor

  • Zanker, Andreas T.

Miscillo flamine

studi in onore di Carmelo Rapisarda


a survey of recent work

  • Householder, Fred Walter


k 60-letiju B.L. Fonkica : problemy vizantijskoj i novogreceskoj filologii : afieroma sta 60 chronia toy Boris Fonkic : problemata byzantines kai neoellenikes philologias

El dialecto arcadio

gramática y estudio de rasgos dialectales

  • Alcaraz, Antonio Lillo

From Byzantium to Italy

Greek studies in the Italian Renaissance

  • Wilson, Nigel G.

Werner Jaeger reconsidered

proceedings of the Second Oldfather Conference, held on the campus of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, April 26-28, 1990

  • Oldfather Conference 2. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1990

Prodico e la sinonimica

fra lingua e stile : tesi di laurea

  • Bonomi, Michele 1977-

Giuseppe Fraccaroli (1849-1918)

letteratura, filologia e scuola fra Otto e Novecento

The language and background of Homer

some recent studies and controversies

Dialectes grecs et aspect verbal

actes de la table ronde de Saint-Etienne 17-18 juin2004