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Risultati 40-60 di 616

La retorica degli esercizi preparatori

glossario ragionato dei Progymnasmata

  • Berardi, Francesco

Unidad y pluralidad en el mundo antiguo

actas del VI Congreso español de estudios clasicos (Sevilla, 6-11 de abril de 1981)

Lexicon Aeneium

a lexicon and index to Aeneas Tacticus' military manual "On the defence of fortified positions"

  • Barends, Daniel


per la storia di una denominazione libraria

  • Broccia, Giuseppe

Φωνής χαρακτήρ εθνικός

actes du Ve congrès international de dialectologie grecque, Athènes, 28-30 septembre 2006

Pro antiquitate viva

colloque sur la part revenant à la culture antique dans l'enseignement tenu à l'occasion du Congrès international l'antiquité classique et nos jours à Brno le 12 et 13 avril 1966

  • Congrès international "L'antiquité classique et nos jours" Brno 1966

On 'have' in ancient Greek

an investigation on echo and the construction einai with a dative as expressions for 'have'

  • Kulneff-Eriksson, Karin

Strategies in teaching Greek and Latin

two decades of experimentation

Festschrift Bruno Snell

zum 60. Geburtstag am 18. Juni 1956 von Freunden und Schülern überreicht

Friedrich August Wolf e la scienza dell'antichità

atti del Convegno internazionale, Napoli, 24-26 maggio 1995

Manuscripts and tradition of grammatical texts from antiquity to the Renaissance

proceedings of a Conference held at Erice, 16-23 october 1997, as the 11th Course of International school for the study of written records

  • International school for the study of writtenrecords

Greeks and Latins in Renaissance Italy

studies on humanism and philosophy in the 15th century

  • Monfasani, John

The Wilamowitz in me

100 letters between Ulrich von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff and Paul Friedländer (1904-1931)

  • Wilamowitz-Moellendorff, Ulrich von