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Risultati 80-100 di 1138

A dictionary of catch phrases

British and American, from the sixteenth century to the present day

  • Partridge, Eric

Webster's new world 33.000 word book

based upon Webster's new world dictionary of the American language second college edition

Webster's dictionary of synonyms

a dictionary of discriminated synonyms with antonyms and analogous and contrasted words

English verbal idioms

  • Wood, Frederick Thomas

A new dictionary of the english and italian languages

based upon that of Baretti and cointaining, among other additions and improvements, numerous neologisms relating to the arts and sciences ...

  • Baretti, Giuseppe

Better words

evaluating EFL dictionaries

  • Stein, Gabriele

Monolingual dictionaries for foreign learners of English

a constructive evaluation of the state-of-the-art reference works in book form on CD-ROM

  • Heuberger, Reinhard


an electronic lexical database

Risultati 80-100 di 1138