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Risultati 20-40 di 1138

The lexicon Webster's dictionary

with a historical sketch of the English language

Vocabulary builders

helping learners with real English

  • Lawley, Jim

Dictionaries and the authoritarian tradition

a study in English usage and lexicography

  • Wells, Ronald A.

English dictionaries, 800-1700

the topical tradition

  • Hüllen, Werner

Words in time

a social history of the English vocabulary

  • Hughes, Geoffrey

Using the BBI

a workbook with exercises for the BBI combinatory dictionary of English

Language activator

The world's first production dictionary

A second book of English idioms

with explanations

  • Collins, Vere Henry

An outline of English lexicology

lexical structure, word semantics, and word-formation

  • Lipka, Leonhard

Il nuovo inglese tecnico e scientifico

grande dizionario inglese italiano, italiano inglese