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Risultati 480-500 di 21732

Historia literatury polskiej [+]

alegoryzm - preromantyzm

  • Krzyzanowski, Julian

The literature of the Kymry

being a critical essay on the history of the language and literature of Wales during the twelfth and two succeding century ...

  • Stephens, Thomas

Novoe proctenie "Slova o polku Igoreve"

avtor izvesten

  • Bujnacev, Vladimir Petrovic

Párliament na mBan

  • Ó Colmáin, Domhnall

Mury hebronu

  • Stasiuk, Andrzej

Stihotvorenija (1898-1904)

  • Blok, Aleksandr Aleksandrovic

Dalla provincia remota

riflessioni su testi della cultura russa dal XVIII al XXI secolo : razmyslenija nad tekstami russkoj kul'tury XVIII-XXI vv. : reflections on texts of Russian culture from the 18th to the 21st century

Stihotvorenija (1907-1916)

  • Blok, Aleksandr Aleksandrovic

Boris Pasternak

materialy dlja biografii

  • Pasternak, Evgenij

O poetah

  • Gasparov, Mihajl Leonovic

Zijajuscie vysoty

  • Zinov'ev, Aleksandr Aleksandrovic