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Risultati 460-480 di 21732

Tuath is tighearna

an anthology of Gaelic poetry of social and political protest from the Clearances to the land agitation, 1800-1890


  • Vinokurov, Evgenij Mihajlovic

Literatura i vremja

issledovanija i stat'i

  • Gin, Moisej Mihajlovic

Ideologiceskaja bor'ba i literatura

kriticeskij analiz amerikanskoj sovetologii

  • Beljaev, Al'bert Andreevic

Stat'i i issledovanija

  • Desnickij, Vasilij Alekseevic

Syny zemli

  • Kiriak, Illia 1888-1955

Idei vremeni i formy vremeni

  • Dneprov, Vladimir Davydovic

Kapitanskaja docka

  • Puskin, Aleksandr Sergeevic

Russian poet/Soviet Jaw

the legacy of Eduard Bagritskii

  • Shrayer, Maxim D.

La vita a volte è sopportabile

ritratto ironico di Wislawa Szymborska

  • Kolenda-Zaleska, Katarzyna

Hymn o Perle

  • Milosz, Czeslaw

Gombrowicz en Europe

temoignages et documents 1963-1969

  • Gombrowicz, Rita

Culhwch and Olwen

an edition and study of the oldest Arthurian tale

Slavic poetics

essays in honoro of Kiril Taranovsky