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Risultati 80-100 di 151


  • Oldenberg, Hermann

Foundations of Indian ethics

with special reference to Manu Smrti, Jaimini Sutras, and Bhagavad-Gita

  • Ravi, Illa

Vedic studies

v. 2.

  • Venkatasubbiah, Agaram


Sayanacaryaviracitabhasyasahitam : with the commentary of Sayanacarya

La cosmogonia vedica

studio linguistico sul lessico della creazione : tesi di laurea

  • Stagi, Federica

Common life in the Rgveda and Atharvaveda

an account of the Folklore in the Vedic Period

  • Chakraborty, Chhanda

Das Aitareya Brahmana

mit Auszügen aus dem Commentare von Sayanacarya und anderen Beilagen

Vedische Mythologie

  • Hillebrandt, Alfred

Trois enigmes sur les cent chemins

recherches sur le Satapatha-Brahmana

  • Minard, Armand