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Risultati 40-60 di 151

Srautasutram ; The Srauta sutra of Apastamba

Taittiriyasamhitasambandhita : belonging to the Taittiriya samhita

Epics and Puranas

  • Sastri, Satyavrat

The Arctic home in the Vedas

being also a new key to the interpretation of many Vedic texts and legends

  • Tilak, Bal Gangathur


sa ca vaidika-vanmaye sam hitantargata-Bra hmana-bhagebhyo Brahmanaranyakebhyasca samuddhhrtanam vakya-visesanam pracin-Bharatiya-vividha-vidya-vimarsopayikanam satam samgrahatmakassan : being a concordance of basic extracts, useful for researches in various branches of Vedic sciences and arts, drawn from Samhitas (Brahmana portions), Brahmanas and Aranyakas

  • Shastri, Vishva Bandhu


being a major yajnika text of the Rgveda

The Visvamitras and the Vasisthas

an exhaustive historical study, Vedic and post-Vedic

  • Sharma, Umesh Chandra