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Risultati 100-120 di 6008

The romance of origins

language and sexual difference in Middle English literature

  • Gayle, Margherita


studies in Renaissance literature, history, and politics

The heritage of Hermes

alchemy in contemporary British literature

  • Lembert, Alexandra

Writing China

essays on the Amherst Embassy (1816) and Sino-British cultural relations


ein Bub in Britisch-Guayana

  • Mead, Stella

Renaissance configurations

voices, bodies, spaces, 1580-1690

Literature, Politics and National Identity

Reformation to Renaissance

  • Hadfield, Andrew

The Discourse of Slavery

Aphra Behn to Toni Morrison

Incest and agency in Elizabeth's England

Maureen Quilligan

  • Quilligan, Maureen

Elizabethan Mythologies

Studies in poetry, Drama and Music

  • Wells, Robin Headlam

Philosophical approaches to literature

new essays on nineteenth- and twentieth-century texts

Le romantisme Anglo-Americain

melanges offerts à Louis Bonnerot

Rebel writers

the accidental feminists: Shelagh Delaney, Edna O'Brien, Lynne Reid Banks, Charlotte Bingham, Nell Dunn, Virginia Ironside, Margaret Forster

  • Brayfield, Celia

Risultati 100-120 di 6008