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Risultati 80-100 di 6008

The exhibit in the text

the museological practices of literature

Across the lines

intertestuality and transcultural communication in the new literature in English

History of 16-18th century english literarar theory and criticism

metodiski noradijumi un originalteksti

  • Ivbulis, Sastaditajs V.

Lay by your needles ladies, take the pen

writing women in England, 1500-1700

Print culture and the medieval author

Chaucer, Lydgate, and their books, 1473-1557

  • Gillespie, Alexandra


the Victorians in the twenty-first century, 1999-2009

  • Heilmann, Ann

Exiles at home

Australian Women Writers 1925-1945

  • Modjeska, Drusilla

Some versions of pastoral

a study of pastoral form in literature

  • Empson, William 1906-1984

Risultati 80-100 di 6008