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Risultati 160-180 di 2577

Ponts improvisés

ponts militaires et ponts coloniaux

  • Espitallier, Georges

Reinforced concrete

an international manual

Prestressed concrete

design and construction

  • Libby, James R.

Vol. 1

  • International conference on soil mechanics and foundation engineering 10. Stoccolma 1981

Divisions 1-3a

  • International conference on soil mechanics and foundation engineering 4. Londra 1957

The theory and design of structures

a text-book for the use of students, draughtsmen, and engineers engaged in constructional work

  • Andrews, Ewart Sigmund

Ground freezing 1980

proceedings of the first international symposium on Ground freezing, held in Bochum, March 8-10, 1978

  • International symposium on ground freezing 1. Bochum (Germany) 1978

Statische Probleme des Tunnel und Druckstollenbaues und ihre gegenseitigen Beziehungen

Gleichgewichtsverhältnisse im massiven und kreisförmig durchörterten Gebirge und deren Folgeerscheinungen, Spannungsverhältnisse unterirdischer Gewölbebauten

  • Schmid, Hanns

Sponsors, committees, international society, donors, members, programme

  • International conference on soil mechanics and foundation engineering 7. Città del Messico 1969

Norme tecniche alle quali devono uniformarsi le costruzioni in conglomerato cementizio normale e precompresso e a struttura metallica

articolo 21 Legge 5 novembre 1971 n. 1086, LL. PP. 30 maggio 1972, n.9161 pubblicato nella G.U. 22 luglio 1972, n. 190

  • ItaliaMinistero dei lavori pubblici

La résolution des problèmes de fondations

notions théoriques fondamentales et applications, murs de soutènement, palplanches

  • Derampe, Paul