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Risultati 220-240 di 2577

Progettare con il sistema REP

travi REP, pilastri e setti : prontuario REP : strutture miste autoportanti acciaio e calcestruzzo secondo normativa vigente

Inelastic behaviour of plates and shells

IUTAM symposium, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 5-9, 1985

  • International union of theoretical and applied mechanics

Digital earth moving

first international symposium, DEM 2001, Manno, Switzerland, September 5-7, 2001 : proceedings

  • International symposium on digital earth moving 1st Manno, Switzerland 2001

Silvano Zorzi

ingegnere 1950-1990

Carlo Cestelli Guidi

  • Associazione italiana cemento armato e precompresso AICAP


structural systems for the future

  • Motro, René

Scritti scelti

  • Romano, Manfredi

Field testing of soils

Presented at the sixty-fifth annual meeting and fourth Pacific Area National Meeting

  • American society for testing and materials

Memorie scientifiche

  • Cafarella, Francesco


Ihre Konstruktion und Berechnung nebst sechs zahlenmässig durchgeführten Beispielen

  • Schwengler, Johannes

Guida alla progettazione e verifica di edifici in c.a.

introduzione all'Eurocodice 2 e stati limite

  • Enexsys

NEHRP guidelines for the seismic rehabilitation of buildings

prepared for the Building seismic safety council

  • Applied technology council