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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 420-440 di 2577

Sandwich construction

the bending and buckling of sandwich beams, and shells

  • Plantema, Frederik Johan

Recent developments in laboratory and field tests and analysis of geotechnical problems

proceedings of the International symposium... : Bangkok, 6-9 december 1983

Muri di sostegno a secco

aspetti agronomici, paesaggistici, costruttivi e di recupero : Firenze, 19 giugno 2008

  • Accademia dei Georgofili

Durabilità delle opere in calcestruzzo

degrado del calcestruzzo, corrosione delle armature, prevenzione, misura della durabilità, sperimentazione e controlli

  • Siviero, Enzo

Laboratorio Delta

indagini sui materiali sulle strutture e sul sottosuolo : 1978-2018

Lichtbogenschweissung im Stahlhoch- und Brückenbau

Konstruktion und Berechnung

  • Albrecht, Rudolf

Beams, plates and shells on elastic foundations

(Balki, plity i obolochki na uprugom osnovanii)

  • Vlasov, Vasilij Zaharovic

Designing steel structures

methods and cases

  • Cooper, Sol E.

Design in high-strength structural steels

proceedings of the conference on design in high-strength structural steels jointly organized by BISRA-the Inter-Group laboratories of the British steel corporation, The Iron and Steel institute, the Institute of structural engineers, and the British constructional steelworks association, held at the Grand Hotel, Eastbourne, 9-11 April 1969

  • Conference on design in high-strength structural steels Eastbourne 1969