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Risultati 340-360 di 2577

Structural engineering

the nature of theory and design

  • Addis, William

Il controllo strutturale degli edifici in cemento armato e muratura [+]

tecniche diagnostiche, indagini strumentali, esempi di prove su materiali e strutture secondo le nuove normative tecniche per le costruzioni (D.M. 14/01/2008) e la circolare esplicativa n. 617/2009)

  • Bufarini, Stefano

Pratique de l'art de construire

maconnerie, terrasse et platrerie ...

  • Claudel, J.

Building bridges

history, technology, construction

  • Wittfoht, Hans

Proceedings of the eighth congress of the Fédération internationale de la précontrainte

London, 30 April-5 May 1978

  • Fédération internationale de la précontrainte

Le strutture in legno

corso di aggiornamento tecnico

  • Debiasi, Sergio

State of the art volume

seventh international conference on soil mechanics and foundation engineering : septieme congres international de mecanique des sols et des travaux de fondations

  • International conference on soil mechanics and foundation engineering 7. Città del Messico 1969

Calcestruzzo armato

strutture nuove in zona sismica : introduzione al calcolo e al progetto secondo le metodologie degli stati limite

  • Albano, Giuseppe

Stability of structures

elastic, inelastic, fracture, and damage theories

  • Bazant, Zdenek P


the examination and testing of the ground preliminary to the construction of works, methods and appliances

  • Simpson, William

Déroulement du congrès et discussion

  • International conference on soil mechanics and foundation engineering 5. Parigi 1961

Divisions 1-3a

  • International conference on soil mechanics and foundation engineering 5. Parigi 1961