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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 40-60 di 551

The dynamic firm

the role of technology, strategy, organization, and regions

Industrial dynamics

technological, organizational and structural changes in industries and firms

Market microstructure

intermediaries and the theory of the firm

  • Spulber, Daniel F.

Architettura e urbanistica dell'eta borbonica

le opere dello stato, i luoghi dell'industria

  • Buccaro, Alfredo


la "memoria dell'industria" : convegno di studi, Torino, 25 maggio 1984

Industrial organization

competition, growth and structural change

  • George, Kenneth Desmond

The balance between industry and agriculture in economic development

proceedings of the eight world congress of the International economic association, Delhi, India

  • International economic association

The precision makers

a history of the instruments industry in Britain and France : 1870-1939

  • Williams, Mari E. W.

Industria meccanica e modello emiliano

innovazione, prodotti, organizzazione

  • Grappi, Enzo

Impresa, concorrenza e organizzazione [+]

lezioni di economia e politica industriale

  • Grillo, Michele