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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 160-180 di 551

Competitors in alliance

industry associations, global rivalries and business-government relations

  • Procassini, Andrew A.

The age of manufactures, 1700-1820

industry, innovation and work in Britain

  • Berg, Maxine

Aree distrettuali prealpine

meccanica, tessile, gomma e plastica

Trading industries, trading regions

international trade, american industry and regional economic development

Convergence of productivity

cross-national studies and historical evidence

Proceedings of the Third German-Italian Symposium applications of mathematics in industry and technology

June 18-22, 1988 Siena

  • German Italian symposium applications of mathematics in industry and technology 3. Siena 1988

British industry


  • Hoffmann, Walther G.

Organization theory

from Chester Barnard to the present and beyond

Innovationsaktivitaten in der osterreichischen Industrie

eine empirische Untersuchung des betrieblichen Innovationsverhaltens in ausgewahlten Branchen und Raumtypen

  • Fischer, Manfred M.

Industry, space and competition

the contribution of economists of the past

Mergers, acquisitions, and other restructuring activities

an integrated approach to process, tools, cases, and solutions

  • DePamphilis, Donald

Geografia dell'industria

sistemi locali e processi globali