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Risultati 120-140 di 644

Poverty alleviation for rural women

Indian voluntary organisations and village developments

  • Griffith, Geoff

Indien und Europa im Mittelalter

die Eingliederung des Kontinents in das europäische Bewusstsein bis ins 15. Jahrhundeert

  • Baum, Wilhelm


lifeworld-ethnography of an indian village

  • Jaer, Oyvind


past into present

  • Durrans, Brian

A history of India

from the pre-historic period to modern times

  • Hoernle, August Friedrich Rudolf


from regional to world power

  • Kapur, Ashok


essays in honour of Asko Parpola

Il potere latente

struttura politica e valori spirituali tra i Tibetani in India

  • Marazzi, Antonio

L'economia dell'India

  • Boillot, Jean-Joseph

The Portuguese in India

being a history of the rise and decline of their Eastern Empire

  • Danvers, Frederick Charles

The causes of demographic change

experimental research in South India

  • Caldwell, John C.


decoration, interiors, design

  • Wilson, Henry

Laicismo indiano

  • Sen, Amartya K.